Have you ever wondered how local government works? Would you like to get involved in helping your community? If so, there are currently three vacancies for Parish Councillors on Quidhampton Parish Council.
A Parish Council has some powers and some duties, it is funded via the precept which is collected by Wiltshire Council via the parishioners council tax. All planning applications in the parish are discussed by the Parish Council who are invited to comment. Wiltshire Council then decides whether to approve or refuse a planning application.
Quidhampton Parish Council is also able to contribute to causes in the parish that benefit the village.
Quidhampton Parish Council has 9 seats, with elections held every four years (to coincide with Wiltshire Council elections). The next elections are scheduled for May 2021.
Current Councillors are Paul Cripps, Howard Rowley (Chair), Sandie Smith, Ken Taylor and Fiona West.
All Parish Council meetings are open to the public. At every meeting there is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions or make short statements. Meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of May, September, November, January and March unless otherwise agreed, there may be additional meetings if required.
An agenda for every meeting is displayed on the parish notice board 3 days before the meeting. Agendas and minutes are also available here on the website.
To be qualified to be a councillor you must:
- Be a Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of a member state of the European Union
- Be over 18
- Be an elector for the parish or community where you seek election
In addition to the above requirements, you are qualified if:
- You have resided in the parish or within three miles of it for the preceding 12 months prior to the day they are nominated
- You occupy land or premises in the parish as an owner or a tenant
You are disqualified if you:
- Hold a paid office under the parish council (e.g. Clerk)
- Have been made bankrupt (or made a composition / arrangement with creditors) in the previous five years
- Been convicted of an offence resulting in a prison sentence of 3 months or more since your election
- Are guilty of corrupt or illegal practices relating to elections
- Have been disqualified for breaching the Code of Conduct
For further information please contact the Parish Clerk:
Mrs Clare Churchill
01722 743027
1 Tower Farm Cottages, Quidhampton, Salisbury. SP2 9AA.
Official Notices:
Useful websites:
- http://www.wiltshire-alc.org.uk/ – The website for the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils
- http://www.nalc.gov.uk/Default.aspx – The website for the National Association of Local Councils. Please look at the booklets and resources available under publications
- http://www.cpre.org.uk/resources/housing-and-planning/planning – Good website for planning information particularly the booklet How to respond to Planning Applications.
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