Each year the Council undertakes an audit and publishes the results.
As a local elector, or an interested person, you have certain legal rights in respect of the accounting records of smaller authorities. As an interested person you can inspect accounting records and related documents. If you are a local government elector for the area to which the accounts relate you can also ask questions about the accounts and object to them. You do not have to pay directly for exercising your rights. However, any resulting costs incurred by the smaller authority form part of its running costs. Therefore, indirectly, local residents pay for the cost of you exercising your rights through their council tax.
Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 25, 26 and 27.
The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)
See the official notice for further details of Public Rights.
The Council publishes financial documents here. For the purposes of the audit, this includes the following:
- Signed Certificate of Exemption [pdf]
- The Annual Internal Audit Report [pdf]
- Signed Annual Governance Statement [pdf]
- Signed Accounting Statements [pdf]
- Notice of Public Rights (Exempt Authority) [pdf]
- List of Assets [pdf]
- Bank Reconciliation [pdf]
- Explanation of Variance [pdf]
- End of year Budget v Actual [pdf]
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