The Lower Road Working Group previously produced a set of recommendations for improvements to road safety on Lower Road. Following the publication of this and discussions at Parish Council meetings and with parishioners, the Working Group met with Wiltshire Council and undertook a walk through the village to further discuss the scheme. This has allowed the Working Group to propose a few minor changes which, it is hoped, improve the scheme.
If parishioners have any comments or questions, please discuss them with members of the Working Group (Cllrs Ken Taylor, Howard Rowley or Paul Cripps), drop an email/letter to the council (via the clerk) or raise them at a Parish Council meeting. The scheme will only succeed if it delivers improvements parishioners want and support so please do let us know what you think.
The changes are as follows:
R11: Chicane at Locks Lane
There was some concern amongst residents of Locks Lane that a chicane at this location would make it dangerous to pull out from Locks Lane. Instead of a chicane, a build out on the westbound side of Lower Road would achieve the aim of reducing traffic speed as well as addressing concerns of residents and improving safety for users of Locks Lane.
This change would achieve:
- Reduction in traffic speed, comparable to a chicane
- Reduced cost, especially as the necessary lamp post to illuminate the build out is already present
- Improved egress from Locks Lane, thanks to improved visibility; cars will be able to pull out safely to see traffic coming, using the build out to provide protection

R12: Speed Table at White Horse
There was some concern amongst residents regarding noise and vibration from any proposed raised structures at this location. Instead of a table, it was considered that careful design of a new raised footway and the existing crossing would achieve the objective of reducing traffic speed through narrowing of the road.
This change would achieve:
- Reduction in traffic speed, comparable to a speed table
- Improved access to driveways for residents; a new raised footway on the south side of Lower Road and narrowed crossing point will allow residents on the southern side of Lower Road to pull out safely with improved visibility
- No potential for noise and vibration from a raised structure

It should be noted, however, the potential for damage or disturbance from a raised table or hump at this location is unlikely: for a full scientific analysis of this topic, please see G J Harris, R E Stait, P G Abbott and G R Watts, 1999.
R4: Speed hump at eastern entrance to village from Skew Road
Unfortunately, a solution at this location will require further research and design work. It is necessary to understand traffic flow at this location before any solution can be designed. The width of the road and lack of lighting is also problematic. As such, this recommendation has been put on hold and a traffic count requested to assist with further planning.
R1a, R1b and R2: Footway improvements
R1a (coloured footway surface), R1b (footway roundels) and R2 (clear footway of obstructions) were discussed and the possibility of a raised footway for the section between the crossing by the pub and Locks Lane mooted. This will require further design work, but there looks to be space to accommodate a proper route for pedestrians along the southern side of Lower Road.
This change would achieve:
- Even further improved safety for pedestrians by giving them a dedicated walking route, distinct from the carriageway

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