As from 13 December 2021, the government introduced extra Band B measures in response to the emergence of the Omicron variant and the “credible risk” it presents to the NHS. These measures aim to slow the growth of this new variant and buy time for COVID-19 booster jabs to be rolled out. Accordingly, if it's in the interest of public safety not to hold a public meeting, the Parish Council can discharge Council functions (under 101 of the Local Government Act 1972) to the Clerk (who is the Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer) in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation adopted and activated on 18 May 2021.

Due to the rising COVID cases in the region over the Xmas/NY period, and given the booster jabs roll-out is still underway, the Parish Council has made the difficult decision to cancel the public Parish Council meeting on Tues 11 Jan 2022.

Your Country Needs You!

Quidhampton Parish Clerk Needed


Owing to the current clerk’s change of personal circumstances, Quidhampton Parish Council (QPC) is seeking a Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer, starting 15 July 2022.

This is a part-time job for a small community that could suit an existing clerk, someone with local authority experience, and/or business administrative experience and ready to learn the legal and local authority requirements for which training will be given. Strong financial and other processes and systems are in place following a thorough overhaul by a senior acting clerk in 2021, and the council received a clean bill of health in its recently completed audit. Councillors are active in their support to the clerk, and take on ad hoc projects themselves.  

The ideal candidate will be personally committed to community work, have the appropriate diplomatic skills and maturity, and an ability to get things done. They will also be a ‘gatekeeper’ helping the council to recognise and develop opportunities of benefit to the community.

Knowledge and familiarity with Quidhampton, pop. about 400, and its setting will be an advantage.  

The role is part time paid 5 hours per week, with extras as required. Payment will be in line with the good mix of skills and experience which are sought, and anticipated to be in the range of NALC scales SCP19-24  (£13.24-14.90/hr).  

The financial affairs of the council are administered by the clerk, for which the ‘Precept’ (annual budget) is £11,500 for the financial year 2022/23.  Bi-monthly parish council meetings are held in the evening,  Work peaks at the time of council meetings, and at the financial year end, but otherwise can be carried out flexibly to suit other commitments. 

Please enquire with a CV to the Chair of Quidhampton Parish Council, Howard Rowley at or phone on 01722 744617.  A job description and application pack will be provided.  An application to the Chair will be required by 1st July. 

26 May 2022






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