Category: Parish Events and Activities
Quidhampton’s 2nd virtual Art Exhibition
November 2020 saw the launch of Quidhampton artists’ 2nd second virtual Art Exhibition at Thirteen artists aged 15 to 97 are exhibiting their work for the enjoyment of villagers, the public everywhere, and for the benefit of Salisbury Hospice Charity whose fundraising has been hit by the pandemic. This new exhibition shows new work done over…
Quidhampton Photo Competition
The White Horse, our village pub, are organising a photography competition, with the winning photos to be published in a calendar for 2021. The entry fee will also raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support and the Quidhampton Nature Project. We want this to be a fun competition, to lift people’s spirits after lockdown. We also…
Quidhampton Nature Project
Some of our environmentally minded villagers have started a community project. The idea behind the Project is to build awareness of our natural environment, amongst children and adults alike, and to promote activities that support the enhancement of that environment. Quidhampton Nature Project Do please go and visit their new website to find out more…
Quidhampton Virtual Art Exhibition 2020
Wednesday 15th July sees the launch of an Art Exhibition by Quidhampton artists. They couldn’t hold it in the village hall, so have it online. It can be seen at Wiltshire resident, Anthony Connolly RP, Hon Secretary to the Royal Society of Portrait Painters called it “The quiet enterprise of an English village. So many people expressing…
Annual Parish Meeting 2019
The Annual Parish Meeting for Quidhampton will be held at 4pm on Saturday 11th May 2019 in the village hall. This is a meeting organised by the parish council but not a parish council meeting. Following increased attendance in recent years it has been decided to hold the meeting at a separate time to the…
Recreation Ground: Play Equipment Options
The Parish Council have been making inquiries regarding new play equipment for the recreation ground. There are a number of options which could be taken forward and the council seek opinions from parishioners. There are a range of options in steel or wood, all of which have been tailored to suit the needs of the…
Quidhampton Art Show
The Village Hall will be hosting an art show in September; come along and support the work of local artists!
Annual Parish Meeting 2017
A message from Clare Churchill, Clerk to Quidhampton Parish Council: The Annual Parish Meeting for Quidhampton will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 17 th May 2017 in the village hall. This is a meeting organised by the parish council but not a parish council meeting. In previous years members of village groups have been invited…
Annual Meetings, 2016
This Tuesday is the Annual Parish Meeting followed immediately by the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
Your council needs you!
All seats for Quidhampton Parish Council are up for election in the forthcoming local government elections. Information regarding standing as a candidate is contained in the election pack available here.There is further information on the Electoral Commission website and on the Wiltshire Council website. To stand, you will need a Proposer and a Seconder. These…
Table Top Sale
Having a sort out before Christmas? Want to make money from your surplus clutter? If there’s not enough for a car boot sale then this is for you. Saturday 17 November 10.00 – 12.00 (sellers from 9.00) Tables and chairs provided Pre-booked: small table £2.50 large table £4 On the day: £3 and £5 Ring…
Bonfire Night 2012
A fantastic fireworks display was held, complete with bonfire, on 3rd November. Loads of fun was had by all. Here are some photos of the event. [AFG_gallery id=’1′]
Even more Jubilee photography
Another batch of photos has just been uploaded, this time courtesy of Ken Taylor, to whom thanks are due. You can see Ken’s photos in the album below. You can also see the full photoset here, including all the photos taken. [AFG_gallery id=’2′]
Olympic Torch in Salisbury and Wilton!
The Olympic Torch will be in Salisbury on the evening of 11 July. It will leave from the Cathedral at 07.49 on 12 July and travel to Wilton. It will be in convoy along our bit of Wilton Road, emerging again at 08.22 at the Park Wall traffic lights. Expect traffic delays but there will…
Even more Jubilee photography
Another batch of photos has just been uploaded, this time courtesy of Graham Heeley, to whom thanks are due. You can see Graham’s photos in the album below. You can also see the full photoset here, including all the photos taken. Thanks also to the Queen for making a personal appearance at the White Horse! [AFG_gallery…
More Jubilee photography
In addition to the photos taken by various people and published here, some panoramic images were also produced. These use Microsoft’s free Photosynth platform and should work in any browser. The above image is shows one of the panoramic images; click to see the full size version on Flickr.
Diamond Jubilee celebrations
There were some fantastic events over the bank holiday weekend to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. A street party, hog roast, dances as well as photograph and best decorated house competitions. Most of the village turned out and the photo above shows us all gathered for a group shot, replicating the view in an old…